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William John RubleFather (deceased)

Clara Mae RubleMother (deceased)

Teresa RubleWife

Todd (Brandi) RubleSon

Dana (Greg) PhillipsDaughter

Kristi (Trent) SwartzentruberDaughter

Sheri (Dan) SlavenDaughter

Jeremy (Lauren) RubleSon

Sue KitchinFirst Wife

Kalen GrubbGrandchild

Alex RubleGrandchild

Brady RubleGrandchild

Logan PhillipsGrandchild

Parker PhillipsGrandchild

Mason SwartzentruberGrandchild

Sydney SwartzentruberGrandchild

Landon SwartzentruberGrandchild

Luke SwartzentruberGrandchild

Leah SwartzentruberGrandchild

Averi HelmsGrandchild

George SlavenGrandchild

Charlie SlavenGrandchild

Cathy (Steve) KonzelmanSister

Joyce BraySister

Brian RubleBrother

Mike RubleBrother (deceased)

Virgie BuellMother-in-law

Charles BuellFather-in-law (deceased)

Timothy BuellBrother-in-law (deceased)

Thomas BuellBrother-in-law (deceased)


Mason Swartzentruber

Greg Beckett

Matt Weber

Brock Weber

Keith Konzelman

Darren Konzelman

Shawn Morgan


Speranza Housec/o Gilliland Howe, Greensburg, Indiana 47240

To the Familyc/o Gilliland Howe , Greensburg, Indiana 47240

Past Services

Wednesday,August 07, 2019


Thursday,August 08, 2019

Funeral Service