Charles Augustus Hinton, age 80, of Greensburg, Indiana passed away on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Charles was born December 4, 1938 in Arlington, Georgia to Guy and Kathleen Whatley Hinton. Charles was a United States Marine Veteran. He has lived in New York, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and Indiana over the years. He worked as a boilermaker.
Charles is survived by; son, Shannon Hinton and daughter, Mary Hinton; 4 other children; sisters, Penny Owens and Susan Taylor. He was preceded in death by; mother, Kathleen Hinton; father, Guy Autry Hinton; and sister, Anne Sasser.
There will be no local services for Charles, Funeral Services will be in Arlington, Georgia. Burial will follow at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Arlington, Georgia. In lieu of flowers the family ask that you help a Veteran with a kind act.
Shannon's first fishing trip with his dad was on a creek bank. His mother was there moving up and down the creek throwing rocks in the water scaring the fish. He will never forget taking the worms they didn't use. His dad dug a small hole next to a tree and they put the worms in there and covered them up and he told Shannon when we come back next time they will be there. "Dad, until we're together, those worms will be waiting for us."
The Hinton children want to thank the people that had a hand in finding them so they could get their father home to Georgia. They want to thank the nurses that cared for him, his health care representative, the VA representatives, and the ancestry researchers. They are forever grateful that he was in good hands. They want anyone touched by their story to know to reach out to those people that love you, they are waiting.
Kathleen HintonMother (deceased)
Guy Autry HintonFather (deceased)
Shannon HintonSon
Mary HintonDaughter
Anne SasserSister (deceased)
Penny OwensSister
Susan TaylorSister