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Bobby Ray and Beverly Hood TuckParents (deceased)

Tammy Lucas TuckWife

Meghan Baker & husband Banks, Gareth Tuck, Abby Lucas and Elisabeth LucasChildren

Scarlett and Magnolia BakerGranddaughters

Bobby TuckBrother

David & Amy TuckBrother & Sister-in-law

Keith & Marylou TuckBrother & Sister-in-law

Sheila TuckSister

Bettie & Eric AbernathySister & Brother-in-law

John and Linda LucasParents-in-Law

John & Lizzy Lucas Jr.Brother & Sister-in-law


Mr. Randy Forsythe

Mr. John Lucas Jr.

Mr. Bobby Tuck

Mr. David Tuck

Mr. Gareth Tuck

Mr. Keith Tuck

Past Services

Monday,May 10, 2021


Tuesday,May 11, 2021

Celebration of Mike's Life

Tuesday,May 11, 2021

Interment with Military Honors