Albert Lee and Aggie Elizabeth Houston CollierParents (deceased)

Foncine Locklear CollierWife

Hardy D. CollierSon

Kevin R. Collier and wife EvaSon

Donald G. CollierSon

Ronald L. Collier and wife KerriSon

Leah Michelle Tyson and husband WesDaughter

Lois L. AndrewsSister

Mavis GrimSister

Larry H. Collier and wife LynnBrother

Seavy W. CollierBrother

Melba Collier, James O. Collier, Thomas D. Collier, and Morris G. CollierSiblings (deceased)

He is further survived by eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews.


Mr. Daniel Collier

Mr. Jacob Collier

Mr. Joshua Collier

Mr. Mike Collier

Mr. Nicholas Collier

Mr. Samuel Collier

Mr. Will CollierHonorary

Mr. Zach CollierHonorary

Past Services

Thursday,February 28, 2019


Thursday,February 28, 2019

A Celebration of Life

Thursday,February 28, 2019

Interment with Military Honors