Dee Dee MaloneWife of 33 years
David and Shelby MaloneSon and Daughter-in-law
Maci and EmberlyGranddaughters
Don and Jean ShipleyMother and her Husband
Terry and Debbie MaloneBrother and Sister-in-law
Romayne GillandAunt
Steve GaddisBrother-in-law
Johnny and Patty ChurchBrother-in-law and Sister-in-law
Jan and Mike DarnellSister-in-law and Brother-in-law
Frank MaloneDad (deceased)
Sean MaloneSon (deceased)
He also leaves many nieces and nephews to cherish his memory.
Johnny Church
Eric Hinkle
Jerry Griffin
Stevie Gaddis
Bill Dearstone
Mike Darnell
Dakota Darnell