Karen Sams-AikenWife

Nathaniel Aiken and Susan SteffeySon and Fianceé

Nikki AikenDaughter

Derek and Chelsea SamsStep-Son and Wife

Chloie ReamsGrandchild

Joe ReamsGrandchild

Kadynce AikenGrandchild

Campbell SamsGrandchild

Beth and Rob CashSister and Brother-in-law

Bada and Jay ElliottSister and Brother-in-law

Archie and Freda TurbyfillUncle and Aunt

Keifer and Halie HelleNephew and Wife

David and Karen WilliamsSpecial Friends

Mike GoldenSpecial Friend

Robert ReavesSpecial Friend

Tony WilliamsSpecial Friend

He also leaves numerous other friends to cherish his memory.


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