Martha Beatrice Derrick was born May 13, 1924, to David Jesse and Nina Derrick on a farm in Leesville, SC. She was 1 of 9 children and one of the youngest who worked in the fields with her father to help during the depression. Bea, as she was known, was also one of the children in the family that ended up going to college. While in college, Bea shared a house several other ladies and would enjoy socials with various people. This was how she met her husband, Donald Dale Olson who was serving in the US Navy in Charleston, SC. After a courtship of letters while he was overseas, he came back to propose, and they later married on Aug 10, 1946. They stayed in South Carolina and had their first child, Donna Gayle. When Donna was 10 months old, Bea accompanied Don out to California to meet his family. However, knowing what family meant to her, Don had to promise to bring her back every 2 years. They had hoped to live on the Rogue River but ran out of money. To make sure his love was taken care of, Don started with the telephone company and Bea settled down to raise a family. They were eventually able to buy a home in Encino, CA and they had David Morris, Dennis Michael, Danny Marshall and Derrick Martin to complete the kids.
They spent the next 40 years taking care of life, raising kids, enjoying neighborhood friends and making a home. After the kids were grown and they were ready to retire, they decided to fulfill their dreams they started with so long ago. They found their dream home in Grants Pass off the Rogue River. Bea loved being in that community, helping friends, making jam, assisting at church and tending to her yard, plants and fruit trees.
After her husband passed in 1996, she spent several years in the community before she decided to move north to Vancouver, WA in 2004 to be closer to her daughter and oldest son. She bought a home with plenty of fruit trees and space to create an oasis garden that kept her busy. In Feb 2020, she decided it was best to go to an assisted living facility. She has enjoyed family visits and making new friends as she slowed down. She was diagnosed with cancer a year and half ago and decided to enjoy life and forgo treatment.
Martha Beatrice Olson passed away Friday, Jan 14, 2022, at the age of 97. She was survived by 4 of the 5 children, 15 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, 1 great, great-grandchild and many friends. Bea brought so much into this world and shared so much to so many people. She was known as a great seamstress and made clothes for people. She gave to anyone that needed something in whatever way she could. She tried to give people reminders of how precious life was and how much Christ loved them in her crocheted crossed. She was a gentle, caring woman of few words but big in actions. She left her mark on this world. She is loved and will be missed!