Born to the late Felix and Sarah Neely, Karen is also preceded in death by her grandson Benjamin Perry, and her brother Felix Neely, Jr. She is survived by her loving husband, Phillip R. Mullins, Sr.; children Adam Smith, Nicole Woodall, Amanda Tryani, Phillip Mullins, Jr., Matthew Mullins; 24 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; sister Debbie Roberson, as well as many beloved extended family and dear friends.
Karen made a career as an X-Ray technician in Nashville. She was dedicated to her family and never missed a moment to spend time with them. Her smile could brighten any day and her kindness was extended to anyone she met. Karen was the most creative and loving person one could meet. We will dearly miss the greatest lady we ever knew, and will cherish the precious memories made with her.
The family have entrusted Forest Lawn Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens for cremation services.