Funeral Mass is under the direction of Buffington Funeral Home in Gonzales, Texas. Funeral Mass and Interment are private.
John was born on December 21, 1931 in Galesburg, Illinois. He was the son of Paul Anthony and Louise V. (McDermott) Kelly. He attended Notre Dame University and the University of Michigan, and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature. He joined the US Army in 1953 and served in communications until his discharge in 1961. He worked as a Photographer until his retirement. He liked to read and write. John was a people person and enjoyed visiting with anyone. He was a Monk with the Lay Catholic Monastic Community of Saint Benedicts Farm for 60 years.
John is survived by one brother; Garth Kelly and his wife, Stephany of Houston, Texas, and many Religious Brothers and Sisters. He was preceded in death by his parents; Paul Anthony and Louise V. Kelly, two Religious Brothers; George Gannon and Henry Studer.
Memorials are requested for: Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church / 417 N College St. / Gonzales, TX 78629
To join the Brothers and Sisters of Saint Benedicts Farm in celebrating John’s life and to offer words of comfort, please go to:
Saint Patricks Catholic Church417 N. College St., Gonzales, Texas 78629