Richard Haring also known as Rick, was 51 years of age when he passed away at 12:12pm on July 8th after a hard battle. He was a loving father, son, and brother. He was born in Bakersfield California, to his father Lee Haring and his mother Nancy Jefferies. He made the biggest impression on everyone he met.
Living his life the way he dreamed, making many friends along the way, without the fear of being judged. As a kid he made his life adventurous from picking up snakes, raising pigeons and adventuring lands far and wide. He loved the water, whether it was boating, fishing, or simply swimming in his favorite rivers. He took every challenge as a new lesson, and fought back harder every time.
His family members are.. his kids Alexis Haring and Ashley Haring, his grandkids Juliana and Joseph. His siblings Donna Ellis, Michael Ellis and family. Extended family Louise, Madeline and many more. I would like to mention those who have already passed his mom and dad, brother Curtis Ellis, grandpa Grover Haring Jr., grandma Emily Haring and grandma Rita. As they all join together again.
Family and friends are invited to his celebration of life in Prescott Valley AZ, for more information call (928) 554-6935.