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Isaac Newton CrispFather Deceased

Ellen Orr CrispMother Deceased

Billy Ray Yount Sr.Husband Deceased

James OrrBrother Deceased

Ken CrispBrother Deceased

Teresa BickertonDaughter

Bruce BickertonSon-in-law

Sandra HuskeyDaughter

Hursel HuskeySon-in-law

Billy Ray Yount Jr.Son

Angela YountDaughter-in-law

Richard YountStepson

Jo YountDaughter-in-law

Five grandchildren and three great grandchildren also survive.


Roger Phillips

Jeremy Huskey

Todd Winder

Matthew Yount

Cole Kzzinsky

Chris Kzzinsky

Lucas Neavin

Kyle Herron

Andrew YountHonorary

Chad BickertonHonorary

Past Services

Sunday,April 08, 2018

Receiving of Guests

Sunday,April 08, 2018

Celebration of Life Service

Sunday,April 08, 2018

Graveside and Committal Service