Theda Vesta Ensminger, age 106, of Fort Collins, Colorado passed away peacefully on Sunday, September 18, 2022. Theda was born January 13, 1916. She had an amazing and wonderful long, long life, filled with the love of family and friends, and we will celebrate her this spring. Her son, Barry, asked that we share this article from the Coloradoan, written by Erin Udell, in 2021:
One late-April morning in 2019, Barry Ensminger remembers driving up the Poudre Canyon with his wife, Jill, and mom, Theda Ensminger.
Theda, the daughter of a Colorado cattle rancher, has always felt a pull toward the state's great outdoors. So when they stopped at Mishawaka Amphitheatre for lunch, Barry requested a table overlooking the Poudre River.
Before long, the venue's manager had come over to chat with Theda and quickly learned that the centenarian — then 103 years old — had been born in 1916, the same year construction began on the now-legendary riverside concert venue, Barry said. "So basically my mom is as old as the Mish," he added with a laugh. Technically, she's a little older. While construction started on the Mishawaka in February 1916, Theda was born a few weeks earlier on Jan. 13, 1916, in Platteville, Colorado.
This year, she turned 105.
That means that in 1918, at the onset of the Spanish flu and the end of World War I, Theda — then Theda Williams — was a toddler. When the stock market crashed in 1929, she was 13. In the years that followed, as the Great Depression gripped Northern Colorado, the Williams family lost their cattle ranch and moved into Fort Collins.
Theda can still recall all the odd jobs she worked during that time to help her family make ends meet — from waiting tables and bookkeeping to hand-setting pins at an Old Town Fort Collins bowling alley for 3½ cents per game. One day, she set the pins for the county sheriff. He bowled a perfect game and tipped her $1.
"It felt like a million dollars back then," she recalled with remarkable ease Friday, chatting over the phone from her apartment in Fort Collins' Park Lane Towers, where she's lived independently for the last 30 years. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, Theda — Park Lane Towers' oldest resident — now likens her cozy apartment to her "eagle's nest." "I’m just staying up here waiting for the thing to end, I guess," she said before adding, deadpan, "It's pretty boring, honey."
Anything but
Unlike this past year, Theda Ensminger's life has actually been anything but boring.
That was abundantly clear when I first called her late last month to let her know someone had passed along her name and that I'd like to write a story about her turning 105. We first talked about her early childhood in Platteville — the memories coming slowly. Theda grew up the oldest daughter of the Williams family, with brothers Murl, Eugene and Melvin and a baby sister, Althea. Their parents were Ed and Grace Williams.
Theda told me how, through the eighth grade, she studied in a two-room school house in Buckeye, the tiny farming and ranching community northeast of Wellington where the family settled. She would end up attending high school in nearby Waverly. And despite losing their ranch and having to move into Fort Collins not so long after because of the Great Depression, Theda largely looked on the bright side when recounting her story.
Yes, she had to get jobs to help her family get by. But she laughed as she recalled the story of the "million dollar" tip, and she spoke fondly of her job typing out checks and tracking payroll for Larimer County in its old, stately courthouse. Yes, people were struggling and they didn't have much money to spend. But on the bright side, Theda got to play in a local "A League of Their Own"-type girls softball league started in the 1930s as a form of cheap Depression-era entertainment.
Theda played shortstop, and her little sister, Althea, was catcher for The Washington Maids — a Fort Collins girls team sponsored by the State Dry Goods department store and named after the store's hosiery brand.
Theda (Williams) Ensminger (middle, third from left) played shortstop on The Washington Maids, a Depression-era womens' softball team that played across Colorado in the 1930s. In 1934, they won Northern Colorado's league championship.
As World War II broke out, Theda's then-boyfriend, G.A. "Buck" Ensminger, was sent overseas.
While G.A. was briefly back home, the couple drove to Nebraska to get a quick marriage license. Then, sitting in a restaurant in Cheyenne, they flipped through the phone book looking for someone who could marry them. "He said, 'I can't live on love, let's go get dinner,' " Theda said, chuckling.
They had a no-frills wedding ceremony in the parsonage of Cheyenne's First Christian Church in April 1944. A week later G.A. was sent to the Pacific Theater. He wouldn't return until the war ended a year and a half later. After the war, Theda and G.A. had Barry and moved to Burbank for G.A.'s job at the Carnation company headquarters. Theda threw herself into volunteer work and Barry's school outings, never missing a PTA meeting or field trip. "I used to be mortified by that," Barry said. "I’m an only child and if I suffer from anything, it’s over-love."
A blessed life (lived stubbornly):
Every summer, Barry and his mom would come home to Fort Collins to visit the Williams family — a huge and gregarious clan known for hosting big backyard barbecues and taking day trips into the mountains. When G.A. died in the late-1980s, it was a no-brainer for Theda to move back to Fort Collins, Barry said. “I think they both understood that my mother was going to go back to Fort Collins. It’s where her sister was, a lot of her family … her heart is in the Rocky Mountains," said Barry, who now lives in Brooklyn.
Theda moved back in 1991 and purchased her apartment just a few floors above her sister Althea's in Park Lane Towers. "And they went back and forth (between the apartments) all the time," Barry said. "They were like an old married couple, you know, putzing around together. They were the last ones standing and they used to argue ... in a loving way."
Althea Williams died in 2018. She was 97 years old. Theda is now the only surviving Williams sibling. In the face of some health issues, Theda's still managing daily life on her own in Fort Collins. A few years ago, she refused her family's pleas to move to an assisted living facility. "I was so annoyed about it all, but to her credit I now agree with her," Barry said. "Now, with all the deaths from COVID in nursing homes, I'm glad she said no to us." Theda said she will likely receive the COVID-19 vaccine if she gets a chance, but she doesn't feel any rush since she rarely leaves her apartment complex. "I don't think I'm the highest priority at 105," she said.
Theda's stubborn, Barry acknowledges. "For those who know and love my mother, one common theme is she’s too stubborn to die."
But she's not unprepared.
About 15 years ago, Barry said he and his wife rented out their loft to backpack around Asia for a year. Before they left, they came to Fort Collins to visit Theda. "She took me around the block and said, 'Now, Barry, if something happens to me, I don't want you to feel guilty or bad. I want you to enjoy this year,' " Barry recalled. "At that point she was almost in her 90s and me going away for a year was something we had to talk about," he said.
And each year since, Barry said his mom's age has been a conversation.
"Every year she's kind of been saying, 'Well, I'm 93, I'm 94 .... and it just keeps going," he said. “I think my mom’s longevity has surprised everybody, including herself and me ... She's the last one standing of her generation."
I asked Theda, as our first phone call wrapped up late last month, if she thought there was any key to her longevity.
She'd been asked this before.
"One of the things is I have been so blessed in my life," she offered up. "I was blessed to be born into a loving family. I’ve had a lot of family in my life, I’ve had a lot of love in my life. I don’t know — I just think I’ve been blessed.” With our interview done, I said goodbye. About 15 minutes later my phone rang. It was Theda.
She had called me back with some more quick details she had forgotten to share — I think it was about her job at the courthouse or her bespectacled boss there. What was his name again? Ah, yes, Lloyd Richards. He was the one who helped get the area's girls' softball league started.
"Specks!" Theda called out, relieved after finally retrieving the name. "That was his nickname, they called him Specks!"
"Oh, honey," she added, saying that after our chat, "all these memories just keep coming."
So we talked a little more.
Read the article here: