Christopher Allen Castellow was born on January 7th, 1971 in Ardmore, OK to Mike and Pat Castellow. His adventures of life began immediately on that day and continued throughout his life. Life with Chris was never boring, that’s for certain. All his life, Chris believed that if you wanted happiness and success, you MUST be willing to take a leap of faith every now and then.
Prior to settling in Little Elm, TX, the couple had lived in several homes and Chris had worked in several industries until he eventually found the career for him, when he became a mortgage lender. He loved his work and helping people reach their dreams of home ownership.
In 2002, Chris and the love of his life, Niki settled in Little Elm, TX and began raising their 3 children: Tessa Ann, Kaylee Dawn, and Michael Jay, all of Little Elm, TX. Little Elm, TX is where Chris always said he had “planted his family tree” and the couple raised their children here.
Chris was very active in the community and his children’s activities from the very beginning, continuing his mission that fun was the most important part of anything he did. Whether it was Tae Kwon Do, basketball, soccer, softball, track, volleyball or football, he was right along with the kids coaching and watching them grow. He also always made sure to also spend time in Ardmore with his parents and his brother, and reserve special times for Niki.
Followed closely behind Chris’s walk with God, his top priority was family and friends. His friends are both near and far are spread from the Dallas MetroPlex across Texas and Oklahoma. Both family and friends always knew they could count on Chris to be right at their side to help celebrate life, offer support, and lend a helping hand.
No matter the need, anyone could always count on Chris to be there to meet that need. In March of 2015, Chris was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer, a severe shock and surprise for both him and his loved ones.
He began a valiant fight, determined to beat this evil, and he maintained a beautiful attitude throughout his illness. During this battle, we all came to know him as Superman, do to the cape he always wore. His children gave him his Superman cape for encouragement on Father’s Day just before a life-threatening surgery. He had always believed he was superman, and now he could prove it!
Despite the effects of countless treatments and multiple surgeries, Chris continued to inspire and support those all around him and he continued to be very active with his kids and family, as well as his career as he continued to fight off this evil disease.
After almost 4 years, the disease and treatments ultimately took their toll on his earthly body, and God brought him to his Heavenly home to rest in the morning hours of January 12th, 2019, just a few days after his 48th birthday. He will always be remembered as our real-life Superman.