Yukari Thiesen, a renowned ballerina, beloved wife, mother, and dedicated patron of the arts, passed away on May 22, 2023, in Fresno, California. She was born on April 10, 1947, in Kobe, Japan, and her remarkable life was filled with extraordinary achievements and a profound impact on her students and the community.
Yukari's passion for ballet blossomed at a young age, and her talent quickly became evident. By the age of 16, she had established herself as a professional ballet dancer with the Matsuyama Ballet Company in Tokyo, Japan, rising to the rank of Soloist within the company and captivating audiences with her grace and artistry.
Beyond her exceptional skills as a ballet dancer, Yukari also possessed a remarkable talent for writing. As a published novelist by age 18, her work was featured in major newspapers and magazines in Japan. Her respected voice in the literary world allowed her to then pursue a career in advertising copywriting.
After marrying her husband of now 50 years, Yukari moved to the United States with her family, where she rekindled her passion for ballet. She began by opening a ballet studio in Kingsburg, California, and later acquiring the Northwest Studio for Ballet in Fresno.
Recognizing the need for broader access to the performing arts, Yukari established the Valley Performing Arts Council, a pioneering organization that sought to introduce classical performing arts, primarily ballet, to students in the local community. Over the years, her work as both Executive Director and Artistic Director allowed her to expose over a quarter million students from 25 school districts throughout the Valley to live classical ballet performances.
Yukari Thiesen leaves behind a legacy of artistic excellence, passion, and devotion. She impacted the lives of countless dancers and left an indelible mark on the community. Her unwavering commitment to her students was a testament to her belief in the transformative power of the arts.
She is survived by her loving husband, Eldon Thiesen, their three children, Alex, Kris and Joy, as well as six adoring grandchildren, who will continue to carry her spirit and passion for the arts.
A public viewing will be held on Friday, May 26 from 4PM to 7PM at Whitehurst Sullivan Burns and Blair Funeral Home to celebrate Yukari's remarkable life and honor her contributions to the world of ballet and the performing arts. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests donations be made to the Valley Performing Arts Council, continuing Yukari's mission of bringing the joy and beauty of ballet to young students.
Yukari Thiesen will forever be remembered for her extraordinary talent, a relentless pursuit of excellence, and the profound impact on the lives she touched.
Eldon ThiesenHusband
Yukari also leaves six adoring grandchildren to cherish her memory.
Valley Performing Arts CouncilVPAC, Kingsburg, California 93631