Maison Douglas Eckenrod burst on to the scene September 23rd, 1994. He was born to Douglas and Keta Eckenrod at Clovis Community Hospital in Clovis, California. The young parents beamed with joy with their new found baby boy! From the first moments of Maisonʼs life, those who new him could see he was special. He was a beautiful baby with a tiny wisp of hair that pointed up like the North Star glued to the top of his tiny head. His toothless smile melted all those who came to steal a peek of the bundle of joy and excused the pain caused by his well developed lungs.
As Maison entered early school age it was apparent that he was all boy. He immediately picked up the family tradition of being a Raider fan and the unflinching loyalty that comes with it. He enrolled in little league baseball and demonstrated that he had quite a hammer! He loved to fish and camp with Grandpa and enjoyed being spoiled to death by his Grandmothers. Maison had no quit in him. His optimistic attitude could even infect the most pessimistic of all of us. He showed the signs that every parent wants to see in their child, he was a good person and had a good heart.
When Maison entered middle school, it became clear what type of man he would become. He was gentle, loved animals and was concerned for the feelings of those around him. He began to understand his relationship to the world and acknowledged that he was one of the Lordʼs subjects. He recognized that all things were possible through Jesus and reminded his parents of that fact when tough times were upon them. It became clear that his peers saw something special in him as well. Maison had friends, a lot of friends, many of which are still close to him to this day. He changed schools several times before enrolling in Bullard High School where he fit in almost immediately. He continued to play baseball and joined the Bullard Football Team.
Maison Graduated from Bullard High School in 2012, with a multitude of new friends and challenges to look forward to.
As Maisonʼs body and mind continued to develop, his interests changed from XBOX and music to new areas. Maison kept his days busy with Rugby, his girlfriend, and Jr. College. But something Maison never forgot was his family, he drove to see his Father and Grandmother quite frequently, and traveled to see a good part of the country with his Mother. Maison was loved by many and many loved Maison. Maison began to lay out the foundation of his young life. He intended to start a life with his girlfriend and join the Air Force Reserve, while continuing to pursue Rugby and a transfer to a State College.
As this tale winds to an end, those of us that remain can rest assure that Maison is in a better place. The will of God may not be understood but the promise of salvation is clear. Maison had earned the benefits awarded to the faithful and awaits his friends and family in Heaven. We love him and miss him and for that we will honor and cherish his memory forever!