Kei spent his early childhood in Southern California, eventually moving to Castroville, CA, where he graduated from Monterey High School in 1939. In 1942, he and his family were interned during World War II, at Tule Lake Relocation Center, CA. Kei joined the U.S. Army in 1944, serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He was stationed in the Philippine Islands and postwar Tokyo, Japan. He and other members of MIS were recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal in 2011.
After the war, he met and married his wife, Catherine, in Chicago, IL. They resided in New York, Missouri and Kansas before settling in Sanger, CA, where they resided for 50 years. Kei worked as a chick sexer for 40 years, retiring in 1985. Kei could be found on the Airways Golf Course or attending his grandsons’ sporting events. He was an avid follower of football, his allegiance with the Los Angeles (St. Louis) Rams and Sanger High Apaches. He also enjoyed track and field, and served as an official at local track meets for many years.
Kei enjoyed spending time with his friends and relatives especially over a meal that included Shrimp tempura and Orange chicken.
Kei is survived by daughters, Donna Hiraga-Stephens (Alan Stephens) of Berkeley, CA and Iris Hiraga of Fresno, CA; son Ronald Hiraga (Gayle Nishikawa) of Albany, CA; and five grandsons, Evan and Cory Hiraga, Nicolas and Daniel Stephens, and Troy Higgins. He is also survived by his brother William (Willy) and his sister Shirley Ito, as well as many in-laws, nieces and nephews and their families.
A special thank you to the Windham Retirement Community staff who assisted Kei in his daily life there.
A Memorial Service will be held at the Lisle Funeral Home, 1605 “L” St. in Fresno, CA, on Saturday, August 1, 2015, at 11:00 a.m.