Born on March 15, 1966 in Cape May, NJ Debbie came out with a smart mouth, an addiction to cigarettes and black coffee, and an intense need to help all of those around her.
Her love of animals started early and boy does she have the shelf of pet urns to prove it. Every four-legged (and sometimes three-legged) animal she was able to sneak past her husband and into the home meant the world to her. Even the dog that ate her mahogany bed…twice.
Debbie also loved many other things. Summertime, vacations, bad music, creme brulee, quiet mornings when no one spoke to her before she drank an entire pot of coffee, babies, painting a wall a bright color, talking on the phone, jewelry, pissing off her daughter, getting her nails done, being barefoot, chocolate covered cherries (until that one time..), family get togethers, the dessert that came in the hollowed out orange at Olde Towne Steak & Seafood, comfortable clothes, brushing her teeth, hanging clean sheets on a clothesline, and Christmas.
Oh the Christmases! They were a big deal (some say they rivaled the Kennedy’s!) and nothing made Debbie happier than spending far more money than her husband knew about on presents. She loved to give gifts and she loved to make other people happy. There were big gifts and small gifts and stockings that were so full they spilled over into second, and sometimes third, gift bags. There was sausage gravy with biscuits, and classic country Christmas music, and far more food than we could possibly ever eat. The entire day from start to finish was her favorite and no Christmas will ever be the same.
She also loved to help others. For many years she worked tirelessly to help plan and execute a St. Baldrick’s event to raise money for childhood cancer. She spent every fall weekend being called Ticket Lady while walking the floor of Paddy’s Pub selling tickets and raising money. And in the spring, usually on or around her birthday, we watched all of the hard work pay off during the annual event. There are many people who she met through Paddy’s Pub and the St. Baldrick’s event that she adored and who will miss her terribly. A special thank you to Helen Brosnan for not only being a great friend to Debbie but for being willing to drop everything and help our family time and time again.
When we talk about survivors I think it’s only appropriate to mention her grandchildren first. Addison, Gavin, Connor, and Declan. They were loved beyond measure and spoiled beyond belief. Knowing how to be a mother was tricky at times for Debbie but being a grandmother never was and her grandchildren will never forget how much she loved them.
As for the rest of us there’s her one true pain in the ass, her husband, Michael Jellison, her daughter and greatest opponent, Stefanie Hubbell, her son and favorite child, Christopher Hubbell, and two daughter-in-laws, Laci and Jessica.
Other survivors include, but are not limited to, her mother Alice Bartleson Cox as well her siblings Michele Jeffries, Lisa Garrity, Blue Jeffries, and Wendy Crowder. And of course with siblings comes a slew of nieces and nephews. Chavone, William, James, Shawn, Justin, TJ, Tyler, Sarah, and Cody. There are also great nieces and nephews as well as in-laws and cousins and friends. But also a few enemies, because she was Debbie after all.
She was proceeded in death by her father, Steve Cox, countless pets, and her one true love, her Rottweiler Tasha.
A celebration of all 57 years of Debbie’s life will be held Sunday August 6, 2023 at 3:00 at Paddy’s Pub in Stafford, VA.
In lieu of flowers please consider making a donation to the PKD Foundation, St. Baldrick’s Foundation, an animal shelter, or just a stranger in need. It’s what Debbie would have done.