Ralph was born in Reading, PA. Graduated from Reading Senior High School. His other educational attainments include; Registered Nurse, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing, Bachelor Degree, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill and a Masters Degree, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
LTC Jones had a distinguished military career holding such positions as Staff Nurse, Aeromedical Staging Unit, Andrews AFB Maryland; Clinical Nurse, Clarks AFB Philippines; Clinical Supervisor, establishing medical holding unit for basic trainees, Lackland AFB San Antonio, TX; first male nurse to hold a nursing recruiting position, responsible for the recruitment and transition of nurses and other health care professionals, Philadelphia, PA; Flight Nurse 57 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Scott AFB, IL, flying domestic aero-vac, elevating to Flight Nurse Examiner 375 AW flying both domestic and internationally servicing both domestic facilities, embassy and military installations worldwide including Vietnam. He held the position as Medical Advisor to Reserve Units, McClellan AFB Sacramento, Ca. Returning to the hospital settings as Educational Coordinator being promoted to Nurse Supervisor Wiesbaden Air Base Germany. He retired at Carswell AFB Fort Worth Tx as Assistant Chief Nurse.
Following retirement from the military he entered the Long-Term Care arena as Chief Nurse of a nursing/retirement home chain. Ralph was promoted to Regional Nurse Examiner, monitoring homes in Texas and Arkansas. He joined a Nursing Corporation out of Albuquerque NM as the Nurse Consultant responsible for monitoring and educating Nursing Homes in ten (10) states including Hawaii. When Medicare implemented a new payment system, he entered the lecture arena promoting Medicare concepts through out the continental United States and Hawaii.
He is survived by his life partner of 27 years, Darryl Luttrell, two nephews Calvin (Tammy) Jones and Kelly Jones, and sister-in-law Gloria Jones all of Atlanta, GA, numerous cousins, nephews, and nieces, especially his cousin, Valerie Jackson of Oxon Hill, MD; sister-in-law and nephew Tammy and Timothy Andris of Wheeler, TX and the loves of his life, his dog Beadda.