Retirement life was filled with family. PaPaw, his most treasured title, enjoyed pancakes, projects, and popsicles with grandkids Jovie, Callum, Hattie, Paxton, Shepard and Davis. Vacations, sports, movies, and lots of time with his wife, Toni, of 43 years, and his children Zachary and Katie made a lifetime of memories. The perfect addition of their spouses Marcie and Justin brought sushi, laughs, and an additional movie buddy to his family.
It didn’t stop there. With an extended family numbering over 100, he opened his home to weddings, parties, working in his shop, and any excuse for a good hotdog. With a smile on his face, and a happy heart, Mike was quick to help and generous with his time, tools, and talent.
Not to be forgotten were times spent with very dear friends sharing lunch and a laugh, reminiscing over the good old days, and running the roads. They became family.
We loved him and he will be greatly missed.
“Well done good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21
Private Celebration Service honoring the life of Mike to be held at his home on Tuesday, January 14.
In lieu of flowers, take your wife to dinner, your kids to a movie, and play cards with your grandkids.