Arturo “Albert” as he was affectionately known to family and friends was born on January 30, 1967 in El Paso, TX. to Arturo Alberto Garcia, Sr. and Adelita Quintanar.
He was preceded in death by his father, Arturo Alberto Garcia, Sr.
Albert is survived by his mother, Adelita Quintanar and stepfather, Philip Charles Miller of El Paso, TX, his wife of 26 years, Karen Renee Garcia, one son, Denver Blake Garcia, and one daughter, Demi Briana Garcia, of Crowley, TX; two brothers, Kristopher (Laura) Garcia and Serge Garcia of El Paso, TX; four sisters, Diane (David) Melendez, Laura Olivas, Lisa (Dale) Swiger, and Jaclyn (Angel) Ortiz; one Godson and nephew, Dominic Melendez of El Paso, Texas and three other nephews, Jeremy Melendez, Gavin Swiger and Jaxon Ortiz of El Paso, TX; three nieces, Shania Melendez, Severa Swiger and Ella’Rose Ortiz all from El Paso, TX; one Special Aunt Patty “Gigi” Lujan; his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Charles and Brenda Murray of Nash, Texas; and brother-in-law, Derek C. Murray of Landstuhl, Germany.
He lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for many years and was a Senior Project Manager at Comnet Communications, where he worked for 24 years, and made many life-long friends. He was a witty, fun-loving individual, who was passionate about motorcycles, Dallas Cowboys football, lifting weights at the gym, and his family including his beloved dog, Diesel. He enjoyed relaxing and watching movies at home with his family. Albert had a giving heart and loved to help those in need. One Christmas Albert heard about a family that couldn’t afford to buy a Christmas tree, so he went out and bought a tree along with all the ornaments and a wrapped gift for the child and delivered to their home. That is just a sample of how kind and generous he was to strangers.