Terry “Duck” Fey, 68, of Fort Wayne, passed away on Friday, September 16, 2022, after a hard fought battle with cancer. He was born December 16, 1953 to the late Omer and Fairy Fey. Terry is survived by many nieces and nephews, and by his sister-in-law, Mel Fey. He will also be missed by his beloved cats, Tom, R.J., Patches, and Precious. He was preceded in death by his siblings, Martha (Don) Hughes, Larry (Coty), Gary, David, Tom, Margie, Max (Mel), and Susie Fey. A memorial visitation will be held from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 7, 2022 at C.M. Sloan & Sons Funeral Home, 1327 North Wells Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808. Also, a Celebration of Life to share food and good memories of Duck will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at the family home.