Anii was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 20, 1974, to Chuck & Cathy Zeigler. Upon graduating high school, Anii continued on to receive her Associates in Applied Science nursing degree.
Anii worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), until she was diagnosed with cancer in March 2020. She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends and she loved spoiling her grandchildren! Anii loved collecting and painting rocks. She enjoyed hiding her painted rocks at the Cancer Center, for other patients to find; she hoped this would bring smiles to their faces during their cancer treatments.
Anii is survived by her three sons, James Edward Moore IV, Andrew (Haley) Moore, and Trevor Alan Moore; four grandchildren, Bailey, James, Wayne, and Charlotte Moore; her mother, Catherine Zeigler; sisters, Diana (Robert) Dilley Bieschke, and Kristina Williams; brother, Charles (Jody) Zeigler; niece, Brittany Dilley; nephew Matthew (Jessica) Dilley, and great-nieces, Madison, Blakleigh, and Elliana; aunts, Debbie (Rather) Watson and Phyllis (Rather) Beamon.
Anii was preceded in death by the love of her life and father of her children, James Edward Moore III; grandparents, Andrew (Helen) McDaniel, James (Maxine) Rather; cousin, James Riley (JR) Beamon.
There will be no services at this time. A celebration of life will be held in the future.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to the American Cancer Society The family of Anii Miles wishes to thank Parkview Hospice, Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana, and Bethlehem Woods nursing home.