It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Judith (Judy) Rae Tidwell on July 10th, 2023. She was a truly kind, compassionate woman and wonderful Mother. Judy passed away peacefully in her sleep after a lengthy Hospice placement. Judy lived with her eldest daughter Cheryl and her husband Jim for the last 16 months of her life. Judy has a second daughter; Judy Hahn that is married to Robert Hahn, Judy was also at our mothers’ bedside at the time of her passing.
Judy was born in Grand Forks, North Dakota. She married her late husband Frank Ray Tidwell in 1958 at the age of 15 and remained married 49 years until Frank’s passing in July 2007. A few years after Frank’s passing she had a companion, George Romero, and they lived happily together for 11 years. Judy and Frank had an interesting, fun, and loving life together; traveling in the RV was their favorite get away. She had a beautiful voice and loved to sing karaoke. Judy was an expert oil painter and loved to paint landscapes, animals and beaches. She was a terrific joke teller and loved to make her friends laugh. Judy loved working in the ICU at Hemet Valley Hospital, it was her favorite job. She was a volunteer at local shelters and pet rescues because of her love of animals especially DOGS. Judy often donated to pet emergency funds when there was a suffering dog.
Judy leaves behind two daughters, Cheryl who has two sons, Geoffrey Bowman and Brian Graves. Brian has three children Riley, Zachary and Shelby. Judy, who has two daughters, Tiffany Gonzalez, who has one son, Caleb and Brittany Maune who has two sons Gavin and Cole. Judy has one surviving sibling, Ann Carnahan who had two children, Amanda and Jessica. Judy has three siblings that predeceased her, Gary, who had two children, Doug had two children Christian and Beau and Nancy Joy who had two daughters, April and Michele.
Judy had a great faith in the Lord, and her family finds comfort in knowing that she is in His hands now.
Judy has requested no service be held. Her ashes will be spread at Flathead Lake, Montana.