Our oldest living Navy legend at 103 years, has left us yesterday for a better world. My good friend Arthur joined the Burma RNVR during WWII as a telegraphist and continued to serve in Burma RNVR with a small group of about 300 Officers and men which evacuated to India to continue the war campaign against the fascist Japanese invaders. He rose to the rank of P.O.(Tel) and earned his commission as Sub Lieut. after Rangoon was reoccupied by Allied Forces in May 1945.
As Burma RNVR expanded three fold after WWII ended, Arthur obtained his first command of a 75ft HDML first in the Arakan based at Akyab and later in the Delta on active service supressimg Mujahids, Communists, KNDOs and other various insurgernts. For his outstanding bravery and gallantry, Lieut. Arthur Beatson was awarded the Thura title. He later commanded Navy's Landing Craft ( Guns) Lake class River Gunboats armed with 25 pdr guns and contunued service afloat after promotion to Commander, BN.
After retiring from Burma Navy, he joined the Port of Rangoon and served in a new profession as river pilot until his retirement when he moved with his family to live in Virginia, U.S.A. Arthur Beatson was a most devout Buddhist Anglo-Burman. During his spare time while being a pilot, he regularly led a group of volunteers to renovate the ancient rundown Danot pagoda at Thakhutwa, Dallah.
All of us who knew him had been happy to hear that he was enjoying good health mentally and physically after he became a centurion. I am very much saddened to hear his demise and I offer my heart-felt deepest condolences to his family. In my memory I shall always remember that he was a kind hearted Navy Officer and a Gentleman, and a good leader to those who served with him. Sayonara! Arthur.