to Jane and Stephen Smallwood. She lived in Arlington, WA her entire life,
attended Lakewood Elementary until the 8th grade, and graduated from
Arlington Christian School in 1987. She attended Everett Community College
for 2 years before deciding to work full time for her mother at The Gift Gallery,
a family-owned business located in downtown Arlington. She went on to
work at Macys as a Housewares Manager, and eventually landed a role for the
last 20 years at Regence Blue Shield as a Workforce Analyst. Stephanie was
a hard worker, a genuine friend, and cared for all those around her.
Stephanie spent her days helping Jane and Steve with the family rental
properties, planning family gatherings with her sister and cousins, perfecting
her recipes to share on holidays, loving on everyone’s children like they were
her own, tending to the pool and the garden in the backyard, and traveling as
much as she could. She was a Disney season’s pass holder and loved to visit
Disneyland with her extended family as much as possible. Stephanie had
traveled to Europe twice and had upcoming trips planned to Ireland and
Scotland, Florida, and the Washington coast.
She was dedicated to the Lord by her Grandpa Harold Smallwood when she
was one week old and attended Fairmount Open Bible Church where she
accepted the Lord into her heart at a young age. Stephanie loved the Lord
and continued to follow Him all the days of her life. One of her favorite ways to
outwardly express Her love for Jesus and His word was by the verses she
wore printed on her t-shirts. When she passed, she was wearing one of her
favorite verses, John 3:16.
She had a zest for life and her smile could light up a room. Her caring heart
and love for others reached as far as it did wide. Stephanie was always
the person that her friends and family would come to when they needed
someone to confide in. They knew she would genuinely listen to them
without judgment. She was the most loyal person that everyone trusted
and counted on. Her love for others had no bounds and Steph cared for
everyone she met.
Her true passion and love in life was spoiling her niece and nephews. She
spent countless hours and days taking them to movies, sports games,
dinners, lunches, and for many of their favorite treats. She would happily
volunteer to watch over the boys when her sister was out of town, and
would always check in to see if her niece needed anything. She attended
almost all of their sporting events, plays, concerts, graduations, and parties.
Most recently, she spent many afternoons with her niece’s two daughters;
going for walks in the stroller, feeding fish in the pond, and spoiling them
with presents.
Sadly and suddenly, she was taken from us far too soon. The night she
passed, she was doing one of the things she loved most; babysitting Elyza
and Everly at the house she rented out to her niece and nephew-in-law. She
spent her last evening watching Mickey Mouse, coloring pictures, cooking
dinner, playing with and loving on the girls. Stephanie went to be with her
Lord and Savior on April 16th, 2023
She was preceded in death by her grandparents Kenneth and Wanda Berg,
and Harold and Harriett Smallwood. She is survived by her parents Jane and
Stephen Smallwood, sister Jami and (David) Hodges, nephews Joshua and
Jacob Hodges, niece Aly and (Zach) Sankey, and great-nieces Elyza and
Everly Sankey.