Adam Preston was 33 years old, born on November 17th 1983, in Portland Oregon to parents Bruce and Diane Preston. He was an EMT for Tri-Med in Kent Washington and had recently moved into an apartment with his best friend Kyle, in Lynnwood.
Adam was a vivacious person! He had a big warm heart, loved his family and friends a tremendous amount, and was one of the strongest people we had ever had the pleasure of knowing. He had a great love for adventure and travel, he had (2.5 years ago) quit his corporate job and traveled the world. We had never seen him so excited or happy, until he became an EMT! He also adored his little squirrel (aka, niece Hailee).
Adam always had a ready and warm smile, took the time to talk to you, and help you through whatever you needed, sometimes even if you weren’t ready for it. He was always there for you. He was steady and strong, tenacious, opinionated and was ALWAYS right. Unless you were talking about politics, and then he was way more to the left..
Adam is survived by his dad Bruce, his mom Diane, his siblings Kendra (and husband Zack), Joanna (and Husband Jason), his niece Hailee (aka little squirrel), grandparents Dean and Joan Copeland, Bill and Kathy Preston as well as aunts, uncles, cousins and his loving Micaela.
We love Adam, now and forever.. We will miss him more than words can express.
Memorial Service to be held at Everett 1st Presbyterian Church, Everett, WA.
1PM on Friday Dec 16, 2016
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you make donations on Adams behalf to either:
In addition to the memorial service, there will be a celebration of life, the venue, the time and date of which will announced later.