My sister was an incredible person. Her devotion to Alex was breathtaking and a joy to behold. Her love for him will live on forever. Unfortunately, trying to sum up what she meant to me and the rest of our family is a mountainous task and I do not have the words to eloquently describe who she was or how much she will be missed. How do you sum up a lifetime of events with someone you watched grow up and tried to be a role model for? From giving her baths as a toddler, teaching her to ride a bike and subsequently realizing she broke her leg in the process to being there on the day she gave birth to her son. The family vacations, the quiet conversations, the jokes and pranks we played on each other. Laughing at each other’s jokes and listening to each other during our emotional times are what makes today so difficult. She was one of my best friends and to know I can’t call her, agitate her, kiss her forehead, or hear her boss us around is emotionally devastating. With our memories of her in our minds, with our love for her in our hearts, we will embrace tomorrow and be stronger for having her in our lives.
These past couple months have been the most emotionally difficult in our lives. To watch my sister endure the agony of cancer and the horrors it ravaged upon her will be with us for the rest of our lives. The other thing that will resonate in my mind is Nicole’s grace, her physical and mental strength, her determination, and her humility, and her sense of humor.
Through every chemo treatment and hospital stay these past couple months she would smile and thank the nurses for all of their help. Because of her gracious nature and kind attitude, each health care worker she came into contact with would go out of their way to try and make NIcky’s suffering a little more tolerable.
Nicky’s will to carry on given the hardships she endured were absolutely amazing to see. It demonstrates an emotional and physical strength I can only hope to emulate and teach to her son in the years to come.
Mucinous ovarian carcinoma is a rare subtype of ovarian cancer. We need more research and it’s our hope that those who read this will make a donation in Nicky’s name to ovarian cancer research.
We will have a memorial service for Nicky at St Francis of Assisi on Saturday, September 10th at 9:30 am.
A light brunch will follow the service. St Francis of Assisi address: 5265 Placida Road Grove City, Florida 34224