The Center at Zaragoza in El Paso.
He was 97 years old.
Ralph was born on July 6, 1926 in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, son of the late José Loya
Piñón and the late Cleofas Flores Padilla. He was the first of 11 children.
He was preceded in death by 2 ex-wives; 3 brothers: Salvador (1944), Francisco Javier (1984),
Oscar (2017); 3 sisters: Velia (1934), Eulogia (2004), Berta Velia (2022); and one child Yolanda
He is survived by: his wife Lupie; his children Ruben Loya Mariscal, Adela, Ralph, Aggie, Ruth, Joseph, Cynthia, Joy
and Anthony; his siblings José, Hector, Minerva and Irma; 15 grandchildren, 7
great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was an active Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in the
House of God regularly. He helped build many of the church buildings in El Paso and
surrounding areas when he co-owned a construction company in his younger years. He loved
all his family and tried to be a good husband, father and grandpa. We will all miss him greatly!
We love you, Ralph/Dad/Grandpa/Great-Grandpa!