Juan "Johnny" Segura, affectionately known as Tata to his grandchildren, passed away peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his loving wife, and family. He is survived by Wife: Concepcion (Chita) Segura, 3 Children: Chayo (Shy) Rodriguez (Eddie); John Albert Segura; Michael Christopher Segura (Leticia); 7 Grandchildren: Jason Rodriguez, Stacey Cicotello, Crystal Contreras, Victoria Rodriguez, Karina Segura, Jeannette Segura, Vanessa Segura; 3 Great- Grandchildren: John Rodriguez, Destiny Contreras and David Contreras; Brothers: Francisco, Moises & Ramon; Sisters: Soledad, Dolores, Ernestina & Anita; and countless nephews & nieces. Preceded in death, his Parents: Ramon & Manuela Segura; Brothers: Manuel and Alberto; Sisters: Guadalupe and Pilar. Granddaughters: Crystal and Jeannette deserve Special Recognition for their round the clock care given to him, ensuring he was comfortable, and feeling loved as he passed from this life. He retired as Head of Security from the El Paso Job Corps where he worked for over 30+ years. We take comfort knowing that he is at peace and that he is with his Heavenly Father, His Parents, Brothers & Sisters, Nephews and Nieces and Friends who have all gone before him. He can now take that Nice Deep Breath that he so longed for and take that swim that he said he wanted to take once he was free. We Love You and We Will Miss You Dearly! Visitation will be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 5-9pm at Hillcrest Funeral Home-Carolina with Vigil at 7:00pm.