This week we lost our father and grandfather Arturo. He was a man of many talents. Self-taught and old school. Arturo was an incredibly good and kind man. He always had time for his children and grandchildren. He took the time to show us how to do many things. He was a loving, kind, and generous man. He was a good samaritan, always willing to give people a helping hand. He was charismatic, social, and humble. He was an exceptionally good cook. He was a scholar of the world. He had a lot of knowledge about life. He was an artist, singer, philosopher, inventor with the love of learning. He was very articulate and an avid reader. A man of faith and strong work ethics. He was athletic and an amateur boxer. We are so proud to have had such a wonderful man in our lives. We learn by example all the good qualities our father and grandfather had. He is survived by his loving daughters and son. Maria Esperanza Luna Holmes, Veronica Luna Forti, Laura Lorena Luna Stubbs, Norma Luna Walsh and Frank Arturo Luna. His grandchildren. Heather Brittany Holmes, Anthony Arthur Holmes, Norma Jean Walsh, Katrina Rhiannon Forti, Victor Frank Arthur Forti, Kimberly Amanda Forti, and Mathew Dean Stubbs. He is now in heaven with his beautiful and wonderful wife, Maria Guadalupe Luna. We will miss you tremendously and we will see you again in heaven. We will love you forever and till eternity. God Bless you our father and grandfather Arturo Luna.