Died January 22, 2014 after a stroke in early January. She is survived by two sisters in the Netherlands, Tineke Heijenbrok and Henny Bakker; by son Russell Urban-Mead and Wendy, daughter Jennifer Mead and Doug, son Malcolm Mead-O'Brien and Beth; and by grandchildren Katherine, Charlie, Noah, Caelan, Bryna, and Grace.
Jolanda was born 1935 in Jakarta, Indonesia of Dutch parents, and had a wonderful early youth there until the start of WWII. After surviving the war in Japanese civilian concentration camps, her family returned to the Netherlands where she completed her schooling. She met her American husband, Donald Mead, in Cairo, Egypt where she worked providing care for a Dutch diplomatic family. They happily raised three children while living in Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Thailand, as well as various U.S. states. After her divorce in 1986, she moved to Ann Arbor where she worked, found friends, volunteered, and enjoyed nature and cultural events. She loved her family and led a good life.