George McLambFather (deceased)
Dola McLambMother (deceased)
Johnny B. BarefootHusband (deceased)
Timmy BarefootSon (deceased)
Johnny Ray Barefoot and wife SusieSon
Benny BarefootSon
Shane Barefoot and wife DeannaSon
Evelyn GregoryDaughter
Edna Parker and husband CalvinDaughter
Travis & Amy Jo FairclothGrandchild
Shannon & Brian ShultzGrandchild
Kevin & Amy ParkerGrandchild
Trent & Erica ParkerGrandchild
Brandy & Steve WhitleyGrandchild
John Derrick & Katie BarefootGrandchild
Kimberly & Jason PopeGrandchild
Lacinda BarefootGrandchild
Crystal BarefootGrandchild
Jonathon & Brittany BarefootGrandchild
Tiffany BarefootGrandchild
Guy BarefootGrandchild
Harris BarefootGrandchild
Cullen Reece ParkerGreat Grandchild (deceased)
Twenty-Four Great-Grandchildren
Joshua Faircloth
Andrew Faircloth
Steven Whitley
Colton Whitley
Kirk Hawley
Brian Schultz