Thank you for visiting Pasha's Online Memorial. In Leui of flowers, the family has asked you please donate to Lung Cancer Research Associate. Please see below for service information.
You can now post your thoughts, share stories and upload files using this site. Updates made during the memorial service will be broadcasted on TV screens in the memorial hall. The broadcast is scheduled for: 10/21/2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mountain Time. All messages sent will be collected and printed in a book format. Please scroll down to 'Memories and condolences' and click on 'Share a Memory' > next enter your credentials > then enter your message and load your file/picture > click on preview once all is good then post.
In Leui of flowers, the family has asked you please donate to Lung Cancer Research Associate. Please click the link below for donations and select "Donate Now". Your contributions are appreciated.