I, Mildred Knight, have the confidence that if I were to die today, I would spend my forever in Heaven.
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. (I John 5:13a)
If I were to die today and stand before God, and He were to say to me, “Why should I let you into my heaven?,” I would respond: “Because Jesus gave his precious blood for the payment of my sins and gave me eternal life as a free gift. I accepted him as the sacrifice for me.”
As best I recall, this took place at Nazarene Church in Ropesville, Texas in July of 1935, when I was nine years of age. When I think about that important event, I remember: “Feeling conviction in my heart that I was born a sinner and wanted Jesus to save me. First I wanted Him to be my Lord and my King for the rest of my life. I also remember the extreme joy I felt after I gave him my life.”
Since I received Christ, I can see God’s hand at work changing me and equipping me for His service in the following ways: “I had the desire to tell my family and friends of my decision and to compel them to become Christians. I wanted to please God in everything I did, and I still have those desires.
I was scripturally baptized at: “Nazarene Church of Ropesville, TX approximately 2 weeks after I was saved.”
Some of the people whom the Lord used to bring me to Christ:
“The Pastor, the Sunday school-teacher, my mother, and a close friend.”
Mildred Knight
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Mildred Irene Brown Knight was born November 23, 1926 to Annie Shultz Brown and Carl Brown in Poteau, Oklahoma. She passed from this life and was received into her savior’s arms July 9, 2013.
After graduating high school, Mildred began working for Western Union and moved to California. While in California she met and married Bud Hamm. The young married couple moved to Oklahoma where they remained until death. Mildred raised a family and worked at Dillard’s Department Store and Tinker AFB, where she retired in 1992. A lifelong Christian, she was always active in church. Mildred joined First Southern Baptist Church September 25, 1988, where she remained a member.
Mildred was an accomplished seamstress and porcelain doll maker. She also enjoyed daily Bible reading, flower gardening and arts and crafts. Above all, she loved spending time with her family, friends and church.
Mildred was preceded in death by her parents; daughter Carla Hamm; brothers: Harvel Brown and Carl Brown, and sister-in-law, Glenda Brown.
She is survived by her children, Dayna Hamm of Midwest City, OK, Darrell Hamm and wife Marcquitta Hamm of Choctaw, OK, and David Hamm and wife Debe Hamm of Guthrie, OK; 7 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren; brother Kenneth Brown and sister Donna Kay Banks.
Mildred will be loved and missed by all.