Andre Vernot affectionately known as Dougè was called to heaven on June 28, 2023 at the age of 83. He passed away peacefully at Saint Joseph Hospital in Bethpage New York born in Cabaret Haiti to De’Verneau Vernot and Helene Guillaume on February 23, 1940 he migrated to the US in the winter of 1987. Andre was a hard-working man he held several jobs at a time to maintain his household. He worked as a janitor at American Building Maintenance from 1990-2010. Andre retired in 2010 at which time he would travel back and forth from Haiti to the United States. Andre was a loving and devoted father, who loved all his children and family. It was Andre’s mission to spread love and joy to all he crossed paths with Andre was someone to look up to, to follow someone to admire, to be proud of, and father to brag about, someone to hold and to cry with, a person to learn from, and someone to respect, a person to listen to, and someone to talk with, someone to try and impress, and sometimes rebel against. He was a man most of all with whom to share everything this wonderful life has to offer. He is survived by his wife, Marie Rose Vernot of 39 years his children, Sony, Guerlene, Hèrald, Anderlason, Richardson, Kelly, Berline, Anderson, Stanley, Emmanuel, Robens, Bernadette, Gino, Jeffrey, sister Claudette Vernot and 33 grandchildren not to mention a host of nieces and nephews. He is welcomed by his son, Fritz, daughter Guerline Vernot and siblings which includes five sisters and three brothers in the gates of heaven, may their souls rest in peace. We find comfort in, knowing he is no longer suffering and resting with our heavenly father.
A verse from the Bible "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
John 14:1-3