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Roy Eugene HoltHusband of 33 years - Deceased

Marvin and Dora StrangeParents - Deceased

Carolyn SingerSister - Deceased

Bob SingerBrother-in-law - Deceased

Edward StrangeBrother - Deceased

Jo StrangeSister-in-law - Deceased

Bradley StrangeBrother - Deceased

Wayne Holt (Lynn)Son

Mike Holt (Kim)Son

Rusty Holt (Rita)Son

Marty Holt (Kay)Son

Peggy Wimberly (Buddy)Sister

Nita RobinsonSister

Jerry Strange (Shirley)Brother

Nine grandchildren; David Holt (Samantha), Mark Holt (Sarah), Alan Holt (Christina), Amber Thomas (Bryan), Nathan Holt, Jason Holt (Breanna), LeAnne Roach (Chris), Bradley Gilbert, and Lorin Holt. Nine great-grandchildren, and number ten due in January. Numerous nieces and nephews.


David HoltActive

Alan HoltActive

Nathan HoltActive

Jason HoltActive

Wade WimberlyActive

Steve RobinsonActive


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