Slouffman, Marilou, 93, of Beavercreek, passed away Tuesday, November 3, 2020. She is preceded in death by her husband Henry Slouffman, her son Thomas Slouffman, twin sister Ruth Ann Kinney, granddaughter Jeannette Slouffman, great-granddaughter Brooklyn Papp. She is survived by her daughters Kathryn (Shawn) Tracy, Becky Roush; sister Patricia Boos; grandchildren Jessica Slouffman, Christopher Slouffman, Edward Slouffman, Ashley (Luke) Casto, Keith (Emily) Tracy, Jeffrey (Pauline) Tracy, Andrew (Michelle) Papp, Thomas (Bethany) Roush and Christopher (Sophie) Roush; 12 great-grandchildren. Marilou started working at age 15 at Kresge’s, then worked at Master Electric as a typist. She worked for 29 years and retired from the Beavercreek Schools (Fairbrook Elementary School), then worked and retired from Kroger’s Bakery at age 86. She enjoyed reading hundreds of books, keeping a list until her eyesight faded. She loved gardening until moving into Brighton Gardens. Everyone looked forward to her fried pumpkin blooms during the summer. Lou was an active member of Mt. Zion United Church of Christ for 45 years until moving into Belmont where she began attending Greenmont Oak Park Community Church. She lived out her faith everyday by loving and giving to others. Private funeral services will be in care of TOBIAS FUNERAL HOME-BEAVERCREEK CHAPEL. Contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton in her memory. Online condolences may be sent to