Donald MajorFather (Artesia, New Mexico)

Samantha MajorDaughter (Midland,Texas)

Jennifer MajorDaughter (Dallas,Texas)

Michael and Micki MajorSon and Daughter-in-law (Lubbock,Texas)

Kaci and Will GeisslerDaughter and Son-in-law (Granbury, Texas)

Tori and Mike AlgiereDaughter and Son-in-law (Hutto,Texas)

Cash StricklandGrandchild

Cody TurnbowGrandchild

Mercy MajorGrandchild

Maxwell MajorGandchild

Jenise HallasEx-wife/Long-term Girlfriend (Midland,Texas)

Donna and Marty FletcherSister and Brother-in-law (Artesia, New Mexico)

Lindsay and Anthony OroscoNiece and Nephew-in-law (Artesia, New Mexico)

Conner and Cindy HoustonNephew and Niece-in-law (San Antonio,Texxas)

Bessie Aline (Lewis) MajorMother (deceased)

Tommy SparrowNephew (deceased)

Past Services

Saturday,May 30, 2020

Celebration of Life


Celebration of Life in Denver, Colorado Dates and Times to be Announced Later