My Brothers
Older, younger,
wiser, dumber,
loved, hated,
the predator, the prey.
Words can’t describe
the feelings I have;
to be sad or happy,
to cry or to laugh.
But whether I am raged,
full of hatred or jealousy,
I love my brothers,
without them I don’t know where I’d be.
They’ve taught me to be brave,
to stand up and be heard,
But at other times
To sit down and not say a word.
To prove them wrong,
I try so endlessly.
To make them proud,
and have them respect me
for my talents and my abilities,
for what I can do, not who I can be.
My brothers and I…
The 6 McNultys.
Preceded by Linda Beth McNulty, mother, and David Michael McNulty, brother.
Survived by Gordon McNulty, father, and wife Betty McNulty, Matthew McNulty, brother, Jonathan McNulty, brother, Jake McNulty, brother, Josh McNulty, brother, Amy McNulty, sister-in-law, Molly McNulty, sister-in-law, Stacie McNulty, sister-in-law, Bella McNulty, niece, Gabi McNulty, niece, Willy McNulty, niece, Franky McNulty, niece.
“Except in love, no man has known the fullness of his reaches.” Peter Lee McNulty
“There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.” Hunter S. Thompson
“It is better to fail at originality, than to succeed at imitation.” Herman Melville