家母李美英于公元2023年 9月 21日美国中部时间3 时33 分 中国北京时间16时33分在德克萨斯州达拉斯市因病医治无效在帕克兰医院去世,享年73岁。
近日在达拉斯Ted Dickey West Funeral Home殡仪馆安排有小型纪念仪式:
9/29/2023周五早 10-11am:火化前追悼仪式和火化。由恩友堂教会池金代牧师博士前来祷告,小型追悼会,遗体告别并火化。
女儿: 李燕 李莉
日期: 公元2023年 9月21日
Our dear mother, Meiying Li, passed away at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas at 3:33 U.S. Central Time/16:33 China Beijing time, on September 21, 2023, due to illness. She was 73 years old. She was married to our dear father BaoSheng Li in 1969.
According to my mother's last wish, the funeral service will be simple.
Small Memorial services have been arranged:
1. 9/27/2023 Wed 10-11:30am: Viewing.
2. 9/29/2023 Fri. 10-11am: Funeral service and Cremation. Priest Dr. King Tai Tie from our church Dallas Chinese Fellowship Church will come to pray for my mother.
Funeral/Memorial will be held at:
Ted Dickey West Funeral Home
7990 President George Bush Turnpike
Dallas, TX 75252
Daughters: Li Yan and Li Li
Date: September 21, 2023