On Monday, March 31, Dad lost his very short, but intense battle with colon cancer. He passed away peacefully in the quietness of his home with his wife and daughters at his side holding his hands. As he slipped away, he left his three girls the gift of his smile.
Dad was an amazing husband, and devoted father, the perfect father-in-law, and a one-of-a-kind Papa. Together for over 50 years, Mom and Dad have exemplified the definition of marriage as created by God. They made each other happy with every day they were together. Dad’s eyes would always light up with a twinkle every time he would see Mom or talk about Mom. They were true soul-mates in every since of the word. He loved his family more than anything in the world. He was the family patriarch who set the perfect example of a Godly man who loved the Lord. Dad’s advice when one of us were worried, upset, or going through a hard time would always be the same, “take it to the cross”. We knew we could always count on Dad to make every situation better by his optimistic outlook, positive, encouraging words, and his unforgettable smile.
Mom and Dad loved spending time at the beach together and most recently celebrated their 50th anniversary in Destin with the entire family. Dad loved attending LSU football games in Tiger Stadium for years. His ringtone on his cell phone was the LSU fight song, and when he passed away Sunday, his LSU flag was flying high on his outdoor flag pole.
Dad also had an incredible work ethic which he learned from watching his own Mom and Dad. He started his career in Shreveport at United Oil & Gas which later changed its name to Penzoil. After several years with Penzoil, Dad went to work for P&O Falco, Transcontinental, and Ethyl Corporation which was the transfer that landed him in “tiger country”. Ethyl eventually transferred Dad to Richmond which later became Tredegar and eventually landed him in Plano, Texas. For the last 18 years, Dad worked for the Baptist Foundation of Texas. He was able to do the work he loved as a landman while serving the Lord and sharing his life across the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
Dad touched the lives of so many people throughout his life, some of which we will never know. He always had a best friend everywhere he went from the hotels in places he traveled, the umbrella boy on the beach, and even the ladies at the Brighton store at Willow Bend.
Dad always had a kind, generous heart. He was able to show his sweet spirit most recently to all of his grandchildren who lit up his life in their own unique ways. His grandchildren adored him. He was their hero.
While life on earth will be empty without the presence of Jim Bartell, God gained a precious angel with open arms Monday and said, “well done my good and faithful servant”.