Jack Lybrand was born July 18, 1920 in Grand Saline, TX to Thomas Jefferson Lybrand and Ida Lillian Bradford Lybrand. He was the only boy with 6 sisters, Lena May, Sybil, Billie, Bobby, Doris and Sue. Doris Bearden, of Killeen, TX is his only living sister. They grew up mainly in Pruitt, TX, and most attended school in Van, TX. He married Avis Ruth Adams on March 6, 1941.
On December 16, 1942, Rayford Wayne Lybrand was born in Grand Saline, TX. In 1945, Jack joined the Marines to serve his country and was in the military until June 12, 1946. During his term of service a daughter, Lynda Jeanette was born on August 5, 1945. So, Jack returned home from the service and soon thereafter, moved his family from East Texas to Dallas TX. For a short while he worked for Metzger's Dairy, but soon was hired by the Dallas Fire Department September 1, 1946. On April 27, 1948, a second daughter was born, Patricia Louvelle, but sadly, on April 18, 1950, Lynda passed away after having Leukemia. Then, on May 9, 1952 God blessed Jack and Avis Ruth with another daughter, Kathy Sue. It wasn't long after, that Jack and Avis Ruth moved the family out of Dallas to a home in Kleberg, TX on 5 acres where they would spend many happy years raising their family and gardening, eventually adding 5 additional acres and several horses over the years. Jack loved his horses and was so very good at gentle breaking them, so that when grandchildren came along they would love riding with their Papaw.
Jack and Avis Ruth both had accepted Jesus as Saviour as a young married couple, and once in Kleberg joined a home church which would eventually become Victory Baptist Church in Seagoville, TX. Jack had always been able to do anything, so when the church grew and needed someone to supervise the building of a new church, Jack took that on. From foundation to framing, wiring, plumbing and roofing, he worked every day off he had with Avis Ruth right by his side. Then they starting sheetrocking, texturing, painting and doing whatever else needed to be done. Wayne was probably old enough to help some, but the girls spent a lot of time playing with the other kids and napping on pallets. Certainly, all of the other members of the church helped tremendously in doing everything, but with his job at the fire department, Jack also had more available time than most. They served as teachers, Bible study leaders, and Jack was a deacon and handled the money at Victory for many years. It truly was a labor of love.
During his time at the Dallas Fire Department, the Chief, other officers and firemen learned quickly that he could do anything, a true "Jack of All Trades", and he was offered a promotion to Captain if he would transfer to the Fire Department Shop. He accepted and became the youngest to ever make Captain at that time. Just to mention few things, he installed air conditioning in every station, and every civil defense siren there was at the time of retirement. He built the old heavy oak benches the firemen sat on. Too many things to mention but his ability, his kind and loving nature caused every one to love him and respect him. Jack did retire July 30, 1971, but spent many years enjoying the Dallas Association of Retired Firefighters.
So this was the beginnings of the Jack Lybrand family. As his children grew up, married and had their own families, they continued to spend as much time together as time allowed . Jack and Avis Ruth dearly loved their children, grandchildren, great grandchild and they were adored in return.
Avis Ruth became ill and passed away on June 21, 1992. Jack had always been the fix it man for every problem his family had. He remodeled their homes, fixed their plumbing, wired their houses, built their fences, worked on their cars...you get the idea. After Avis Ruth died, Jack continued to serve his family in every way possible. He taught his children growing up that "if you can read, you can do anything anyone else can", and he lived that belief his entire life. His children would say many times that he was a genius, and they believe that until this day. Even these last years when his memory lagged, his reasoning, his sharp wit and his sense of humor never did.
He passed away November 24, 2018, but will never be out of our hearts as his legacy is many faceted. He loved his God, his family, his country, his friends, the fire department and raised his family to love the same things. Today he is, first and foremost, in heaven honored by God as a "good and faithful servant." Today, he is honored by the American Flag for his service to his country. Today, he is being honored by the Dallas Fire Department that he loved (at 98, only retired retiree to live that long). Today his friends have honored him by the many messages of love given in so many different ways...
Today and forever, his family honors him as they endeavor to exemplify the love, honor and integrity he lived before them.
Adam BrooksActive Pallbearer
Eric BrooksActive Pallbearer
Case BrooksActive Pallbearer
Grant BeairdActive Pallbearer
Matthew LandrethActive Pallbearer
Michael EcksteinActive Pallbearer
Micah EcksteinActive Pallbearer
Steve MahnkeActive Pallbearer
Hayes BrooksHonorary Pallbearer
August BeairdHonorary Pallbearer
Shepard LandrethHonorary Pallbearer
Christian Firefighters Association Emergency Relief Fund1551 Baylor St., Dallas, Texas 75226