Gustavo also known as Guss, bito, tavito, and prieto. He shared good humor and a big smile with everyone he met. Gustavo, enjoyed after school events such as young life, football, baseball, and the gym life he called. Gustavo, loved to stay busy at all times. Gustavo enjoyed listening to all types of music, rock, country, pop, rap Mexican oldies he called and even enjoyed singing along to the Hot Dog song with his new nephew Ender. He was full of joy. When Gustavo was younger he would often forget to wake up for school and ended up missing the bus and ended walking to school instead, but as he grew older his habits changed. He started to be responsible. He would take daily runs up to 3-4x a week at 5am and get ready for school or work. He loved nature and he loved exploring the unknown. As he always mentioned if he could travel the world he would. Even when the worse things would happen to him he always to saw the positive in everything. He was a free-spirit who lived in the present, and again, on his terms. He was a dreamer. He was a leader. He had followers. He made friends so easily and was true to each and every one of them. He supported them, guided them and made them happy. He was just that person. If you ever asked him for a favor he would never hesitate to say no. He probably smirk here and there but he would always do it. He always made sure you were okay. A fun fact He was also a huge animal lover and always care for his dog Chester. A dog that no one wanted at first but he was one of the first ones who took him in along w with all the responsibilities that came with it. He loved everything that he did and If he could see us cry right now he would have been the one showing up today with the perfect playlist to put a laugh on everyone face and then later apologized with a huge smile. Gustavo will leave an unwavering legacy for everyone.