George Emmett, beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle, passed away on January 1, 2012. He was preceded in death by his wife of 30 years, Mildred Emmett and his daughter Jeanie Emmett. George was born in Adamson, Oklahoma on February 23, 1917. He is survived by his son Paul and daughter-in-law Ann, grandson George III, granddaughter Margaret, great-grandson Ethan, great-granddaughter Sage, sister-in-law Lorraine Emmett and many nieces and nephews. He served and attended the First Presbyterian Church in Dallas for over 70 years and he was a devoted member of the church Allmon class. Mr. Emmett had been a 33 degree Shriner since the 1950’s. He offered much and expected little. We are and will always be grateful for him and the time we shared with him. The funeral will be 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 4, 2012, at the First Presbyterian Church of Dallas, with burial to follow at Hillcrest Memorial Park.