Eloise Gutierrez Cantu, a beloved and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt passed from this life on April 9, 2020. She was born in San Antonio, Texas to Alfredo Gutierrez and Victoria Medrano Gutierrez on September 3, 1932 and lived most of her life in the Rio Grande Valley, in Raymondville and Edinburg, only recently residing in Dallas.
She worked as an assistant for many years at the Hidalgo County office of the Texas A & M Extension Service. She had a servant’s heart and a passion for improving the lives of the underprivileged in her community. One example of this mission was her involvement in the Hidalgo Extension Clothing Master Volunteers program. Via this program, many women attained sewing skills and therefore the means to help support their families. She also translated many sewing instructional manuals into Spanish.
She also had a strong faith and was very active in her church and community during her life. She was a Roman Catholic.
She is preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Adan C. Cantu, and is survived by daughter Vina Cantu Piazza (Charles), a son David Adan Cantu (Stacy), three grandchildren Gordon Piazza (Rachele), Kevin Piazza, and Frank George, and two great-grandchildren, Gabriel James Piazza and Isabel Rose Piazza. She is also survived by her sisters, Mercedes (Carlos) Ramos and Mimi (Joe)Witschy and brother , Alfredo Gutierrez, Jr., and by brother –in-law Juan Cantu of Lasara, Texas. She is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews.
Due to restrictions imposed following the Coronavirus Pandemic, private funeral arrangements are pending with Sparkman Crane Funeral Home in Dallas, Texas and the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery.
Memorial Donations may be made in lieu of flowers to Catholic Charities or to a charity of your choice.