Beloved mother, loyal wife, precious Nana, steadfast friend. Darlene passed away February 10, 2023, in Dallas, surrounded by her family following a long and courageous battle against cancer.
She was born in Brownsville, Texas December 18, 1942 to Warren A. and Annie K. Hailey Darling. She was preceded in death by her brother, Warren Arthur Darling, Jr. Darlene is survived by her husband of 61 years, Lloyd Dale Lueking; daughter, Paige; sister, Joyce Darling Mouser (Richard); grandchildren, Jack and Caroline Pease; cherished nieces and nephew, numerous friends; and her precious neighbor and best friend, Betty Leach.
Darlene was a creative talent, devoting her love of baking, calligraphy, art and crafts to family, friends, and school children. She enjoyed holidays, especially Christmas, sharing her love of decorating and traditions at every opportunity. Her Christmas ornament collection was breathtakingly delightful. It was a joy to receive her homemade treats- whether cookies or specialty birthday cakes.
For forty-one years she served the students and teachers of Pearland Independent School District as a teacher’s aide / paraprofessional starting at Shadycrest Elementary and concluding her career at H. C. Carleston Elementary. She loved reading to the children and celebrating their successes and helping the teachers with various events and projects.
Darlene truly had a servant’s heart as her actions reached many of the most vulnerable in her community. Her love of family, Pearland, friends and giving permeated all she did. Her quiet sweet spirit, generosity, encouragement of others and willingness to help is legendary.
She will be missed as Nana, Mother, Spouse and friend. Caroline and Jack were the apples of her eyes; she encouraged and loved them only as a Nana can. Darlene was not only a “Darling” by name, but in all she did, said and stood for. She looked for and saw the good in everything and everyone.
To honor Darlene’s lifetime of giving, we ask you to send a card, give some cookies, bake a cake for a friend or donate to the charity of your choice. Her kindness lives on in all she met and knew. A celebration of her life with her Pearland friends will be held in Pearland at a later date when the sun is shining in her hometown.