Dane Goldstein was and always will be a most extraordinary young man. He marched to the beat of his own drum and truly, in every respect, took the path least taken. He was compassionate, caring, curious, funny, quirky, wickedly witty, and overcame many huge obstacles in his short life. When he was curious about a subject, he would learn everything about it and become a leading expert in the field. Dane was beyond intelligent, yet he took to the underdog and the feeble and helped them get voice and visibility. Many of the numerous stunts Dane pulled in life hardly mattered to Dane at the time, but now Dane has left us all with many great memories and laughs. And a cat. All of Dane’s up and downs gave rise to his great confidence and achievements. He has a tattoo on his knee that is the scientific symbol for iron. “Irony” (Iron Knee) Dane knew only the few who shared his sense of humor could get the meaning. At 13, Dane was severely burned over 18% of his body and endured excruciating pain to heal. In spite of this, Dane completed his entire high school curriculum by his 15th birthday, after which he put himself through college by delivering pizzas and working for delivery companies. After graduating from Baylor School of Nursing, Dane became a burn unit R.N. in Virginia and just recently received the Daisy Award for extraordinary nurses. The ways Dane dealt with challenges and his pursuit of his education and career path will always be an inspiration to his family and friends.
He is survived by his mother, Carolyn Vandagriff, stepfather, Mark Vandagriff, Father, Bobby Goldstein, stepmother, Kim Goldstein, Brother Cooper Goldstein, Sister, Audrey Goldstein, half-sisters Lauren Nussbaum, Ruby Goldstein, Greta Goldstein, Maggie Goldstein, and stepbrother Zach Vandagriff, and stepsister, Erin Vandagriff; Grandmother, Paula Goldstein and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Dane’s funeral will be held on Sunday November 10, 2019, at 1:00 PM at Sparkman Hillcrest, 7405 W. Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas 75225. Memorials may be made to the Parkland Hospital Burn Camp (www.IStandForParkland.org/BurnCamp) or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.