Brian James McDaniel was born in Dallas, TX on June 16, 1991 and passed away in New York, New York on Sunday, March 11, 2017. Brian was a Son, Brother, Firefighter, Eagle Scout, H.O.G member, Great Friend to many, and a jokester to even more. He had a zest for life and a passion to experience all that life could offer. Loyal would be a consistent word to describe him. With a smile on his face and a fire in his eyes, he had an innate ability to touch hearts. His competitive nature carried him far athletically at Bishop Lynch High School in football, baseball and riding on the cycling team. He was fortunate to find his purpose in life and became a Dallas Fire-Rescue Officer in May, 2016. A true “214 area code” lover to his core, Brian will be missed by all. In lieu of flowers, the family ask that donations be made to Christian Fire Fighters Association – Emergency Relief Fund, 1551 Baylor St. #200, Dallas, TX 75226.