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Margaret Ann (Gary) TeichmillerDaughter

Theresa (Dale) GordonDaughter

Robert (Betty) SchaefersSon

John (Judy) SchaefersSon

Emil GravemanBrother

Edward GravemanBrother

Anthony GravemanBrother

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Bernard F. Schaefers Sr.Husband (deceased)

Bernard F. Schaefers Jr.Son (deceased)

John H. Graveman Sr.Father (deceased)

Margaret Ann Veigl GravemanMother (deceased)

Catherine HandleySister (deceased)

John Graveman Jr.Brother (deceased)

Mrs. Schaefers also leaves 9 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren to cherish her memory.

Past Services

Wednesday,July 18, 2018


Wednesday,July 18, 2018


Thursday,July 19, 2018

Funeral Mass