The way she reaches for my hand and smiles her innocent way
There is beauty in her sweetness that through her pain she shows
I'm amazed at the grace that through this suffering grows
She tells me that she's wilting and that I cannot see
How could such a beautiful flower wilt when God plants the seed?
Though with time and illness our body start to fade
But in the sonlight of our Savior we will bloom again someday.
So I bask now in her beauty and feel blessed to have been
With her as she twirled and spun in the sun and wind
We dance in the fields and our petals bend and bow
In honor of our Heavenly Father and the life He allows
He extends to us His mercy and I see it in how she lives
She reflects the love of God in every smile she gives
She tells me that she's wilting but that I cannot see
How can a beautiful flower wilt when she means so much to me?